Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Derecho

Well this might be something the kids learn in school now, but we experienced a Derecho on August 10. What's a derecho? No one knew until August 10! Ha! Addison was at home with us I think because she had had a fever. I was trying to work and had both kids with me in the kitchen. Ryan yells down from upstairs, "are the sirens going off?" I couldn't hear them. It was pretty dark and stormy looking out. Then soon the sirens in Bondurant started going off. The wind picks up. I get a little freaked out in storms now after Addy and I saw tornadoes out the window 2 years ago. So I'm running around getting flashlights, water and formula for Mason, and shoes for all of us. We all go down to the basement, just to watch the storm out the windows down there of course. Ha! We quickly lost power. We put Addison over by the steps where there was no windows where she read books with a flashlight. But Ryan stood by the window saying "oh my gosh!! Look at that! Oh wow." Yea well, Addison didn't want to read books when she hears things like that. Ha! 

We watched trampolines fly along with patio furniture. The neighbor's trampoline came real close to our basement sliding glass door, but then turned directions and flew up to the street in between our houses. We later found out the neighbor lady chased it all the way down the street trying to catch it so it didn't damage cars or houses. It was mangled at the end of the street. 

Our house experienced minor damage, from the trampoline, but some houses didn't fair as well. There was tons and tons of damage across the state. It's almost 3 months later and towns are still cleaning up. There are still interstate signs down on my way to Ames. Corn fields were literally flattened. I've never seen crop damage like this. Very thankful both of our dads were north and south of the damage! 

So without power, we found ways to entertain ourselves. We got out the giant jenga set. Addison was pretty nervous to make it fall and didn't want to play as we got further along. I'm terrible at this game. Ha! 

It fell and it scared Mason. He cried. Ha! 
We talked to more neighbors as people hung out outside. It was such a crazy time. Add one more thing to 2020! 

The weather had cooled off, thankfully, so it didn't get too hot in the house. But we went for some walks and to the park to occupy our time. 

 And we grilled a Pasquale's pizza. It was delicious. Ryan's dad had given us a generator he had won, we usually used it for tailgating. But now we used it for the fridge and freezer to lose as little food as possible. People kept asking me "how is with a newborn and no power". Mason doesn't really need power for anything! The air conditioning is the only thing that would really matter. Addison with no power was more challenging! 

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