Sunday, November 15, 2020

What's this step for? Well let me show you.....

Mason loves his big sister. She always gets an instant smile. She loves to talk to him, tell him about her day and sing songs to him. 

Picnic supper outside. She loves to eat outside! Figured we didn't know how many days left there are to eat outside, so we better take advantage of any nice days. 

She wanted to put Mason in her doll car seat. So I let her. haha! It didn't last long, he got mad and arched his back and almost flipped out. 

Addison got really good at the big trike this summer. She grew since the spring so she could reach the pedals. She can manage this thing pretty well. 

She thinks you are supposed to climb up the steps on the back and then somehow climb on the seat. Well with our clumsy kid and a moving target, this is a really bad idea. So we told her she couldn't climb on like that. She asked "well what are those steps for?" So we showed her. Haha! It was pretty funny. Ryan rode down the sidewalk with her on the back and vice versa. It was pretty entertaining. 

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