Monday, November 30, 2020

First ISU game

I love holiday outfits :) 

He looks super bald in these photos but he is getting a little bit of hair. Addison likes to tell people "He's growing eyebrows" because Ryan commented on it a lot when he was first born. Ryan was excited when he could first see eyebrows coming in. Ha! 

Ryan got a picture of me going down the big slide at the orchard with Addison. Usually it's Ryan and Addison that go and I stay back with Mason. It was pretty fun! 

And we did the corn maze again. Addison enjoys this more than I expected! 

And my mini me :) I always had cheerleading outfits when I was her age and I love that she likes to wear them too! We got all decked out to watch the game at home. Ha! 

Normally she wants Cy on her hand, but this day she wanted her cheek. Her facial expression makes me laugh. 

My little cyclones! Addy looks angry, I promise she wasn't. This was the first ISU Football game of the year, Sept. 12. It was announced a week or two prior that there would not be any fans in the stands for this home game due to the positivity rates of COVID. It was mind-blowing for many people. It was announced by Jamie Pollard (the athletic director) that fans would be allowed in, though a limited number, then the next day he announced that Wendy Wintersteen (ISU's president) called and changed her mind. We later heard that faculty complained that they didn't want fans in the stands and people traveling from all over to come to Ames. There was a lot of drama over this decision :) But anyways, we had to watch the game at home. It was so weird! 

 ISU lost that game to Lousiana. It was a very disappointing way to start the season. (spoiler alert, the season gets better).

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