Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Fire truck

Bath time beauty! This little guy likes his bathes and does well in the tub. He kicks like crazy, especially when he gets out of the tub. 

So for something different, I asked Addison if she wanted to go to a different park. We took her to the elementary school playground. Not sure if we were supposed to be there or not (because of COVID) but we went anyways. She LOVED this fire truck! She would have stayed here 3 hours if we let her. 

She's finally become a little bit of a dare-devil. Yes climbing on the tire and through the window is out of character for this kid. Many parents would scold their kid for doing things like this because they aren't supposed to. We were happy and a little proud. Haha! After she climbed through the window about 5 times, I finally told her to stop because our luck would run out. Sooner or later she was going to slip or fall or get hurt and cry. 


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