Monday, November 16, 2020

Getting ready for preschool

She got to pick out new masks at Target to wear to preschool. She was pretty excited about the rainbow mask. It's her go-to mask :) 

Orientation day, she packed her back full of all her supplies. She was pretty excited even though she had no idea what was going on. She was pretty excited when a teacher from her little school was working at the big school too! 

Meeting her teacher, Miss Angie. Miss Angie helped her put all her supplies in her cubbie. Addison of course spoke very little, I'm not sure that anyone ever hears her with that mask on! I have to get real close to hear her!

 Her first school experience! She will ride the little white school bus from Bloom to the elementary school. It's been kind of nice to dip our toes into the whole school experience with preschool. She started out the year in a hybrid model, she went to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Then on October 19, she started to go full-time. Now on Monday Nov. 16, they will go back to hybrid due to an increase in COVID cases. And we hear the drop off and pick up lines are atrocious so I'm real glad we don't have to mess with any of that! She loves preschool. She is so excited every time we even drive past the school (which is twice every day) and she was so bummed on the days she didn't go to preschool. I was okay with the hybrid model because she has to skip nap when she goes to preschool. But she did great with skipping nap. I'm glad we "won the lottery" with preschool and got in this year! 

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