Saturday, November 28, 2020

My coworker

He looks so little in this picture! He sleeps great in his car seat, if he falls asleep. He has FOMO (fear of missing out), just like his mom, so he fights falling asleep sometimes. And he always has to see what's going on! 

"Mom, take our picture" This picture must have been at a weird angle, they both look funny. ha! 

Then she wanted to take me and Mason's photo. She loves to take pictures :) She's so funny, she tries to make us laugh/smile just the same way we do to her. 


Another one Addy took. She got him to smile in this one. 

Me and my coworker. There were a number of days this fall that Shannon has been closed and my little buddy stays home with me. It's hard. Really hard to work with an infant! But thankfully my work is flexible and I put in more hours late at night and early morning. And I love the extra time with my little dude! 

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