Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Mason's first day at daycare

Well the day finally arrived, Mr. Mason had to go to daycare :( I got to work at home with Mason for 2 weeks, which was good and bad. Good that I got an extra two weeks with Mason, but bad because it was really hard to work with him! So that made it a little easier to take him to daycare. It also helped that he was going to the same in-home that Addison went to. 

Mason and Addison had a big day - First day for Mason at Shannon's and Addison's first day in the Sunflower Room (4 year old room). 

She was pretty excited. She had been in the Sunflower room on and off throughout the last year. They would move her up if they needed to adjust the ratios of kids in the room. She always liked the Sunflower room and we were told she did good in that room. She loved Miss Kenzie in the Poppies Room so we were pretty worried about her adjusting. But she has done really really good! She still gets to see Miss Kenzie in passing, which she loves. 

Shannon said he had a great day! There is one other boy and two girls. He is the youngest by over a year. Everyone survived the first day and no tears! Even from Mom :) 

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