Friday, November 13, 2020

Meeting Violet and Henry

We saw Lisa, Violet and Henry for the first time in a very very long time in late August. Violet was in love with Mason. But, who wouldn't be?!

She wanted to hold him so bad! I'm pretty sure Henry didn't know a baby was there, but Violet was drawn to him like a magnet. 

Violet and Addison playing catch with the football. The boys were running around crazy. 

They are almost 2 years apart but so close in size! I think they could be good friends :) 

 And the little hulk. Henry is very strong and has lots of energy! This kid can do push-ups like a pro. He is 5 years old and just started Kindergarten! We apparently didn't get any photos with Caleb, but it sure is crazy when we get together with all our kids. But it's so much fun! 

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