Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Pictures with the grandkids

Addison gets home from school and tells Mason all about her day. Tonight in the car, he was crying and she was talking to him in a high pitched voice saying "It's okay buddy, we are almost home, mom is driving as fast as she can" - ha! 

This little dude is almost always happy..... except in the car. We have yet to venture to KC or Minneapolis and Ryan and I are both dreading when we do. He hates the car! The 8 mile trip home from Ankeny is torture for me sometimes. Heck, the 2 blocks home from Shannon's wears me out sometimes! 

Nolan seeing Mason for the first time in a couple months. 

 I was trying to scope out sites around the Ames house for the photo of my parents with all the grandkids. Had to get an updated photo this year because Nolan was older and Mason joined the family! 

Kelly had to fix Addison's dress and we were teasing Makena about her short shirt. So Kelly was trying to pull that down too. These teenagers.... haha! 

Happy guy! 

And a not happy little guy - look at Nolan. Ha! 

I thought we would like these setup the best but the sun was so very bright that day. My kid didn't do well with the bright sun. 

The front porch was the best set-up.... in the shade. Pretty good looking family! Makena is 14, Conner is 13, Parker is 12, Brayden is 8, Addison is 4, Nolan is 1.5, and Mason 4 months. 

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