Thursday, November 26, 2020

Little Nolan

We have a Nolan on my side and one on Ryan's, so this is "Little Nolan". He is SO ACTIVE and into everything. He just runs runs runs. Landon and Nicole claim he's naughty. I think they are telling stories. Look how sweet he looks! 

Nolan was trying to show Mason how to use the jumper..... by moving the jumper for him. Ha! Mason was not real sure what to do but Nolan tried hard to show him. It was fun to watch Nolan interact with Mason. 

And then it was fun to watch Addison interact with Nolan! He gives hi-fives and Addison was obsessed. She kept asking him for hi-fives and then was upset if he didn't hear or see her.  

He wasn't quite ready to give away the jumper I guess - ha! Not that he remembered it, just wanted to do what Mason was doing. He also found the doll with the shopping cart and carried her around for a minute. 

Naked boys! I think these two will have a lot of fun as they get older. So glad Landon and Nicole moved to KC (although I did like visiting Denver, it's just harder with kids). 

They don't look alike in this photo but there have been times I have thought Mason looked like Nolan. And we all call Mason Nolan on accident! I can't tell you how many times in the first couple months that mistake was made. Oops! Addison gets called Makena a lot, that's okay :) 

 Hard to see in this photo but Tracey held Mason as he fell asleep and he was sucking his thumb. Conner was a thumb-sucker for a very long time, so we think Tracey must be the issue :) Mason loves his pacifier, hopefully he doesn't become a thumb-sucker! 

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