Wednesday, November 18, 2020

First Day of Preschool

I'm not sure if she was more excited for her first day of preschool or her Trolls backpack! She wanted to make sure the backpack was in the picture. 

It's kind of hard to read in these photos, but we drew a big "P" on the sidewalk and wrote Preschool 2020. Guess next year I should use a different color! 

She did great on her first day and was pretty excited to tell us all about it. She has some friends from Bloom going to preschool with her so that is nice. Bad part, they read some book about how an animal goes to school and misses his mom & dad. Well that put the idea in her head that she should miss us. Ugh! She told us she was crying at school because she missed us, but when we asked the little school teacher they didn't know what we were talking about. Haha! 

She wanted a picture of Mason too :) 

Had to get one with the rainbow mask too. 

 She does really good with wearing a mask. She doesn't have to wear one at her little school, just the big one. Apparently the other day, she asked a teacher at the little school if they had extra masks because she wanted to wear one. They didn't. Ha! She also pronounces it "mask-kes" She puts an extra syllable in. Drives Ryan nuts but I think it's funny. 

She also enjoys mask-shaming people. We go to Fareway and she will point and loudly say "Those people are not wearing masks. They are going to get sick". Way to go kid. Haha! 

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