Monday, November 2, 2020

Addy's first haircut

Well, one of the few things this little girl wanted for her 4th birthday was a haircut. We finally gave up the idea of her going to a salon. So I ordered scissors online :) Her hair was pretty long. It grew in a v-shaped so the longest part was pretty long. Her hair was getting pretty snarly to comb through so I decided it was time for a trim. I had had the scissors for a month or so, but what better time than a power outage to give a hair cut?! ha! The pictures above are the "before" pictures. 

This was kind of a "we have nothing else to do so let's do a hair cut" kind of night. I hadn't really thought through how or where to do it. I watched a few youtube videos and I mean, I get my hair cut, so I know what to do. Right? ha! The cape by the way, is a splat mat that used to be under her high chair. It worked perfect :) 

I had to take off quite a bit to start to get the hair even. About 3 inches from the longest point. And yes, it's in her baby book. You would think by 4 years old I would be done with the baby book :) Ha! 
She was pretty excited about the hair cut but about halfway through, she was ready to be done. You mean, she didn't want to stare at the siding of the house any longer?? Yea I didn't think that through. But it did work well for her to be on the front step and me on the ground. 

The after photos! Also, just to note, I'm 34 years old and still get in trouble with my mom. She was not happy with me for cutting Addy's hair! She tells Addy constantly "Don't let your mom cut your hair again". She loves long hair and thought I cut it too short - haha! I thought I did a pretty darn good job on my first hair cut. 

 And Mr. Mason had to sit and watch us finish up. About 5 minutes before I was done, chaos ensued. Meaning, the power came back on. Ha! The neighbors all came out yelling "The power is on!" and Ryan had to run around the house and check on things that couldn't wait (haha). He did want to get the smoke detectors working because when they go off, it completely freaks Addy out. It's just easier when she's outside. :) All in all, we were without power for about 36 hours. It wasn't that bad. Or should I say, it could have been way worse. It got hotter in the days after and we were thankful we had air. And some people went a week without power. We were very lucky. This was the first time I've gone overnight without power that I can remember. It happened to Ryan growing up, he said their power went out frequently. Now if it storms, Addison thinks the power will go out. We had a bad storm about a week or two ago and she said "This time if the power goes out, maybe mom can cut Mason's hair" Haha! 

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