Monday, November 9, 2020

Find the milk jug

One of the fun things of growing up on the farm was making up games. Grandma and Grandpa were playing "find the milk jug" with Addison. Grandpa and Conner usually play this game on the dirt bike and four wheeler. They had to use the milk jug so Conner could carry it on the dirt bike - ha! If you look close in the picture above, it's on the step on the tractor. :) 
Addison thought it was a pretty fun game. She was so excited she didn't really give you time to look for the milk jugs, she had to show you. It was pretty funny. 

Ryan found some golf balls from Hugh and Conner, along with the milk jugs. No ground squirrels though. 

She loves this little guy! 

Grandpa Ron was showing Addy the bean field. She asked a lot of questions and thought it was pretty cool. 

 She even brought home a couple bean pods. She put them in the sweatshirt pocket and carried them around for days. Until they were so shriveled we made her throw them away. Ha! 

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