Saturday, November 7, 2020

I swear we aren't that redneck.....

In August, we met the Skjevelands at the farm. Hugh probably thought this was good bonding time with his niece, but little does he know, whoever is riding the four wheeler or driving a tractor is her new best friend :) Her and Hugh had a good time. Then she told him, "Okay I'm going to go for a ride in the tractor now". He laughed and asked her who was going to drive, and she "Well you can!" haha! He told her she needed to find Grandpa Ron. 

Next four wheeler ride! 

And she saw Conner doing this..... so thought she needed a ride too. 

Redneck sledding :) haha! 

She thought it was fun. I was kind of surprised she liked it, she is so timid. But Grandpa goes pretty slow. 

 And talking about redneck.... nothing like beer, babies, and guns. Ryan and Conner were shooting ground squirrels and birds (or at least tried to) with the BB gun. Ryan had a good time! 

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