Saturday, October 31, 2020

Working with kids

Had to take this picture to Aunt Nicole :) I swear, Buckeye clothing is the softest most comfy apparel! I think every Buckeye shirt we have, including ones Nicole bought me and Ryan, are soooo soft! I wanted to cuddle Mason all day long :) 

Wanting to remember the days working from home with the kiddos :) I didn't do this nearly as much as most people during COVID, but I did it for a couple weeks this summer when I returned from maternity leave. Shannon wasn't open until school started, so I had Mason at home with me for a few weeks. It went okay, but it was definitely hard! Addison is fine, she's easy, but Mason was a different story. But Addy wanting to play with and entertain her brother warms my heart every time. 

Addison will now say "I have to get some work done first" or "I can't right now I need to work" in an exasperated voice when we ask her to do something. Ha! 


I was pretty excited when she took a liking to Amelia Bedelia! Grandpa Ron read lots of Amelia Bedelia to me. She doesn't quite get the irony yet, but I explain it and then she laughs. They are longer books than we are used to reading but that's okay :) This girl is totally into reading right now! We read books over and over and over again. Then she has them memorized and reads them to "her class" or her dolls. Its so funny to watch her read to the class as she calls out the naughty kids - ha! She loves to play teacher right now too. She is definitely our rule follower, so she has to explain to her class what all the rules are in a firm voice. I hope her desire to follow rules and love for books continues! 

Our little basketball player! 

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