Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Pride Rock

Each July, I take a picture of Addison with the pride rock in Bondurant at the Legion. 

This year was a little different..... we added Mason to the photo! He was 2 months old and we were trying to make her hold him, unsupported. Ha! She wasn't too thrilled and kept telling us she couldn't do it. But we made her. Ryan was right outside the camera view to rush in - haha. I think our photos turned out pretty darn good! 

It was fun for us this year as Addison is starting to grasp the idea of celebrating America. I said it before, but I was really happy that her school spent time talking about it. 

This time we remembered our swimsuit when we went into Ankeny to play at the park on a Friday. She had a good time at the splash pad! 

 Mom and Mason just hanging out. Enjoying the last days of maternity leave. 

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