Saturday, October 3, 2020

Mini Golfing

There are not many 'firsts' that I miss for Addison, but now that there are two kids..... I had to miss a first. I was pretty bummed - ha! Addison got to go mini golfing. And she had so much fun!! 

I love the picture of Addison, Parker, and Makena watching the ball go by. Ha! 

Parker hit the ball off the course so he had to go looking for it. He found it :) 

Apparently Addison had quite the victory dance after she got the ball in the hole. She was excited every single time! It was ridiculously hot that day but they said Addison did really good. 

When they got home, Addy needed to go for a night swim. She loves night swimming. 

But she likes daytime swimming too. Ha! 

And she LOVES watching the geckos (or lizards as we call them). They climb the screen of the lanai. They were looking at a baby gecko in this picture. Addison gets so excited when she finds a gecko. They are kind of fun to watch. As long as they are outside. Ha! Grandpa Ron caught one that was inside the screen, that was pretty impressive as those things are quick! 

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