Sunday, October 4, 2020

Dance class

Makena flew home with us. So her, Mason, me and Addy were in a row and Ryan was able to relax by himself a few rows behind us. 

The day we got home, it was Addison's first dance class. I was definitely more excited than her, but she was pretty excited. I signed her up at an actual dance studio in Ankeny, not just through the city. It was a 6 week course, so not a whole school year commitment. I was worried about committing and then her not liking it. 

So due to COVID, the parents were not supposed to walk their kids into the studio. Someone was supposed to get them at the door. Well thankfully they didn't have a good system and the moms ended up walking the little girls to their room. I was very anxious as I didn't have my mask on, but I was so happy to get this picture! She was pretty excited! 
The class went well. It was for 2-4 year olds I think. It was a big range and she was on the older end. She came out all smiles..... not the case for all the girls. Ha! She was so excited. And then the 2nd week she says "Mom, how many more times do I have to come? I like my other class better". By that she means, the City of Ankeny $30 class. (insert eye roll). 
The teachers said every week that she was doing amazing and kept trying to talk me into signing her up for the 4 year old competition team (which says to me they thought 'oh a new mom, let's see how we can get her to spend' - ha!). They said she listens so well and was doing just as good as a teachers daughter in the same class. They finally admitted to me that she was probably bored in this class. She would hardly talk to us and didn't show us much of what she learned. I think she liked the other class better because we were in there to watch! (that's my best guess). 
So I didn't sign her up for the school year for a few reasons..... she didn't enjoy the 6 week class as much as I had hoped, the class starts at 4:30pm in Ankeny (which means I would have to leave by 3:15pm to get her there each week), and it's a lot of money for a 4 year old who may or may not like it! So I keep looking for city classes, but no one is doing anything due to COVID. Maybe some day.... lol. 

Happy Baby :) 

Can't see Mason, but we all piled in the car to take Makena to meet her parents. It was fun to spend time with her! 

Oh the hug she waited 2 weeks for! This girl LOVES hugs and is constantly hugging her parents. We teased her that she had 2 weeks in Florida and was going throw withdrawals. We found out apparently hugs from the rest of us would have sufficed but she was to shy to ask. haha! We teased her that we couldn't hug her due to COVID :) 

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