Thursday, October 15, 2020


We really wanted to make some s'mores..... but don't have a fire pit and no desire to start a bonfire. So after some creative thinking (and texting Parker), we decided to use the grill. 
As you might have guessed, the dive-bombing birds are still an issue :) The neighbor behind us was grilling with a huge net (looked like a pool net). 

Addison didn't really know what we were doing, but she was excited anyways. We had to improvise for the sticks to use. We used a grilling fork. 

And the s'mores were delicious! I could have ate about 4 but that wouldn't help the weight loss attempt. I stuck with just one. It was a gooey mess, just like they are supposed to be. But for some reason, we got this great idea AFTER bath time..... oh well! 

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