Sunday, October 18, 2020


I was going for a run one day and this one guilted me into taking her. Whew. Pushing 34 pounds in a stroller was HARD. Especially when it's not like I'm running 5 miles easily, 2 miles was still a struggle! I had one major rule. She could not talk to me unless I had stopped to walk. Ha! She will talk non-stop while I run and ask me questions. And she will repeat the questions until I answer. She did great following my one rule. She only talked to me once while I was running and that was to ask for water :) 
I think she's good enough now on her scooter or balance bike that we could go together. I will have to try that. 

I took her into Fareway with me one night. She saw the Bomb pops in the freezer section and started doing a happy dance. It was so funny, I had to buy them. She was so excited! She had had them at her little school and apparently loved them. 

Happy Boy! 

All squeaky clean!! He likes his baths. Addison has started to prefer showers. Six months ago she wouldn't take a shower for anything! 

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