Friday, October 9, 2020

Fireman's pole

This was back in July, but we were getting ready for football :) She wanted to wear her cheerleading outfit to school. She was getting a little bored with our outdoor activities so we got out the bags boards to teach her that game. 

Ha - look at that sad face! 

 This one isn't much better :) She has a hard time holding the squirmy dude. 

Seriously, sleeping babies in your arms are the best. I wanted to enjoy every minute! 

So we picked Addison up from school and then went to Altoona and picked up a pizza. Then we went to the spaceship park to eat and play. Addison was pretty excited. This kid loves to go anywhere but home. Truly, she doesn't care where she goes! We were trying to teach her how to go down the fireman's pole. 

Addison likes to sit on my lap while I type in her blog. Tonight she asked, "Mom, can I try?" So here is what she had to say - ogffgdsl;l;';;;'
Good story! :) 

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