Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Ice Cream Truck

This was a BIG day in the Lents house. Now usually, I like to build the excite for "big days" but this was not planned. We have this little ice cream truck that drives around Bondurant and plays Christmas music. Thing is, no one where it goes or when. Ha! It's been posted on the community Facebook page and no one had any answers. Although Ryan figured out this summer that he always heard it on Sundays :) 

Well, one Sunday night, we were taking bathes from being outside all day. As Addison was getting dressed, Ryan yells up the stairs that he heard the truck. We hadn't had a treat that day and thought it was as good as any to visit the Ice Cream Truck. So we hurried to get jammies on and Ryan ran outside to stop him. Ha! 

Thankfully the neighbors got out and stopped him. Addison was pretty excited!! Although I'm not sure if she was more excited to see the neighbors (friends from school) or the ice cream truck. Of course, she picked out a Bomb Pop...... which we have in the freezer. UGH! We did convince her to get the Jolly Rancher version, so I felt a little better about it. Ryan was actually probably more excited than Addison, he got the chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwich. These were two happy campers!! Addison's bomb pop was so big, we did convince her to put half of it back in the freezer for the next day. And she did not forget :) First thing she asked for when she got home! 

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