Friday, October 16, 2020

Touch a Truck

So Addison stayed home with me & Mason on Fridays this summer. I had big plans to do all sorts of fun things..... but then COVID. So we did a few fun things instead. I had no issues with parks and was waiting for them to open. I just didn't want to be around a ton of people. And we use hand sanitizer so I was comfortable. We went to the park were she played soccer and they have a splash pad. We hadn't planned to go to this park and didn't have a swimsuit. So she was pretty timid to get in the water even though it was 95 degrees out! 

I took some clothes to Duckworth, Addison was so excited. They have a kid-sized door and she LOVES it and asks to go there. Way to go Duckworth marketing, you got the kid hooked! 

We went home and she napped for a little while, then we headed to the Fire Station. They had their Touch-a-Truck event. We have never one in the past because they have it at 2pm in the afternoon because apparently moms aren't supposed to work. Clearly I get frustrated that so many fun kid events are during the day - ha! 

She was super tired and hot and didn't talk much. But apparently she had fun because it's been almost 3 months and she still talks about it! She refused to let me take pictures, this was all I got.  We saw firetrucks, police cars, crime lab trucks, bomb squad trucks, garbage trucks, recycling trucks, semi's, diggers, and a septic truck. I'm glad we got to go to this event this year! 

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