Tuesday, October 27, 2020

3 months!

Well I'm almost 3 months behind as this little dude turns 6 months next week - Gah!! Lol. Oh what a happy little boy. We got through those ridiculous weeks of crying when he was a newborn and now it's all smiles! 

Except for his GQ-like serious pose. 

Seriously can't believe I got a smile while this kid was on his tummy. He hates it! Addy didn't love it, but she liked it more than him. 

 And the hand to his mouth. He kept his fists clenched so tight and was always sucking on them, I would find lint in his hands. Gross! Mom-fail, figured out I needed to wash his hands every once in a while. haha! 

Three months went by so fast. That meant maternity leave was over. :( I was pretty sad, I really didn't want to go to back to work. I feel like I miss so much being gone so much and working nights and weekends. And when I am home, I feel like I'm always cleaning or answering the question "what are we eating for dinner?" Such is life of a mom!! Mason and I had a good time on maternity leave, especially when Addy was home on Fridays with us. We had lots of walks, some runs, and lots of hanging out and enjoying each other. This leave was a little different than when I had Addison..... I wasn't taking classes! A little more relaxing :) 

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