Saturday, October 17, 2020

Easy Bake Oven

Addison is one lucky girl...... she got an Easy Bake Oven for her birthday (it was a late gift but that is a nice treat) from her Aunt Nicole, Uncle Landon, Brayden & Nolan. I was pretty excited too. Ha! Lisa had one growing up and we loved making treats! I thought it was so cool and Lisa was so lucky. 

We were supposed to make little bit size chocolate chip cookies. They ended up being a little pan of chocolate chip bars - ha! 

She was pretty excited and tried to watch it cook. 

We were supposed to use the fudge and make little sandwiches but Addy and Ryan decided they wanted to dip their cookies in the fudge instead. Addy was pretty excited and thought the cookies were pretty yummy! She was ready to make the rest of her recipes that night, but we made her wait. 

I had done dishes and washed Mason's pacifiers. For some reason, Addison asked if she could try one. She thought it was pretty silly. 

Ryan was pretty excited about the box the Easy Bake Oven came in. He gave Addy some markers and told her to make an airplane. So she did. She was pretty funny as she talked to her passengers. 

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