Sunday, October 11, 2020

Dive-bombing birds

I was busy cleaning or something and Mason started to fuss. Addison yells "I got it! I got it!" and starts running across the room. She loves to give him his pacifier or a toy when he starts to fuss. Or she starts singing to him :) 

Ah the Magic Sleep Suit! Erin gave this to us. It's amazing! I had heard of them before, but never imagined how magical they actually are :) Ryan and my mom thought I was crazy and this thing was ridiculous. I agree, I don't get it, but I don't care and was willing to try anything! Put this thing on him and he slept through the night immediately - haha! He slept through the night for weeks until Ryan was bragging to his brother about how amazing it is. Then Mason woke up that night. Ha! 
He's been wearing it 3 months now and we are dreading when he's too big for it :) 
We get more sleep now than before Mason was born! I hope I didn't just jinx myself but Addison has been sleeping really good the last few months.......

Look at that little tank top! Definitely a challenge with the 2nd kid to go outside and keep him in the shade and cool! With Addy, I think we just stayed inside......  

Well no dive-bombing bird was going to keep us inside! These crazy birds were going nuts in our backyard. So Ryan got a board and was hoping to be able to hit one - ha! He never got one but it was an effective method to deterring them. 


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