Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Working on the back float

It was great having Makena with us on vacation as Addison was constantly wanting to be in the pool!! Makena would get in the pool as much as Addison wanted. Plus, it was really fun to just hang out with Makena without everyone else around. 

Makena is 14 and is going into 9th grade. I can't believe how grown up she is! 

Addison was playing with her hair and making a mustache for herself. She was pretty impressed with Makena's mustache - ha! 

My mom bought these little sticker cards that LuAnn told her to buy, you have to match the stickers up with the numbers on the card and it makes a picture. Kind of like a color by number. These two girls had fun putting them together. 

Addison was letting Ryan throw her up in the pool. Then she would go under water. This would have never happened a few months ago!! 

And working on her back float. She didn't want to do the back float in swimming lessons but did much better while in Florida. Makena helped her out too. 

She didn't spend ALL her time in the pool. She did do some coloring and watched her iPad. She likes to color a little bit on each page of the coloring book. She colors the whole book in a couple minutes :) 

As I writing these posts, I'm excited as I just booked another trip to Florida for November :) We have a couple vouchers left to use by December, so it was a good excuse. Plus, COVID is really affecting my work and adding lots of stress, so it will be a welcome vacation. 

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