Friday, September 25, 2020

Sweet Corn in FL?

Addison was pretty excited for sweet corn for our dinner. The rest of us were not so sure...... sweet corn in Florida?? Hmmm...... 
It actually was pretty delicious. We ate a ton of sweet corn this year, Addison was so excited every time! 

So we did swimming lessons last winter but hadn't been in a pool since. We were shocked at seeing Addison in the pool this summer. She used to need us to hold onto her, or be pretty close..... but not this time! She was very independent and it was so nice. She loved having Parker and Kelly to play in the pool with her. 

She is taking a break and eating some Twizzlers. She would be in the pool all day long if we let her! 

And Mr. Mason in his pool-side lounger. Ha! It's a travel bassinet and we had his travel fan. This kid just loves being outside.


It was quite hot. Florida in July = Hot. But when you are constantly in the pool, it's not so bad. We went up to the big pool one afternoon. Everyone said they didn't like the temperature of the pool, it was too warm. I thought it was perfect! I don't like cold pools. 

Ryan, my parents, and I could not get over how independent Addison was in the pool. It was amazing. 

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