Saturday, September 12, 2020

Time for soccer!

It's finally time for soccer!! We were supposed to start soccer the end of March. Then the beginning of May. And then finally it actually started the middle of June. This is our first organized sport, and Addison was pretty excited. It was just four year olds in this group. Notice in the photo above, the size difference between Addison and the other girls.... haha! 

She is the one in the middle. Some of the boys were about her size. She got run over by a bigger girl in the first water break on the first day. She just got back up and kept running....... like her cousins, she will have to get used to getting run over! 

I was taking Mason's weekly photo and Addison wanted to get in on it. 

6 weeks! He was finally over the ridiculous crying for no reason phase and was starting to follow our voices. 

Stylin' in my cowboy boots. It was harder than she expected to ride her bike in her cowboy boots.

So she decided to play soccer in them instead. Ha! After her first soccer practice, she came home and wanted to be the teacher and tell Ryan and I how to play. She LOVES to play school/teacher. She's been done with soccer for two months now and we still have soccer practice in the front yard. 


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