Friday, September 4, 2020

Back to school.....

Around June 10th, Addy headed back to school. I think we were all a little sad that our time at home was over but excited for the fun she would have at school. Felt like longer than 7 weeks, but not in a bad way. We had fun staying at home together. It was nice to have time with Addy before Mason was born, but then it was nice to spend time with her after he came too. She would really love staying home now that he reacts to her! 

She asks to feed him every once in a while. Now he's almost bigger than her! 

The Wine and Dash Club - there was a group of women in Bondurant that started this club to have a little fun giving gifts and making someone's day. There was a facebook group where you gave a short bio and then your name was added to a list. Then someone picked you, bought you some gifts, then dropped them on your door step. I thought these women were dorks about how excited they got about the presents. Then I got mine and it was super exciting. Ha! Addy was so excited for those sunglasses. 

Off to the farm again! Addison asked maybe 25 times "when will we be at the farm?" Thankfully, Mason slept the whole way again. 


Oh man, this girl was stoked about the gator. It wasn't working very well, the battery barely had any juice. But she didn't care how slow it went, she was just happy to be driving it! 

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