Friday, September 11, 2020

Farm Adventures - Part 3

Can't get this girl off the trampoline!! She is getting better at going from her knees and up and bottom and up. 

Oh it was funny watching her tell Nolan the rules of the gator... and him not listening. She was talking to him like an adult and he wasn't listening to a word she was saying. She was getting frustrated and it was pretty funny. He didn't understand the rules and she is such a rule follower! 

He was pretty excited about baby Mason! 

And so was this kid - he took Mason that night and went to the basement. I drank wine with Nicole and Kelly. It was so nice! Mason was fussing and Landon didn't mind at all. When we went to bed, we found these two in the basement fast asleep. 

COVID Update - 

I don't think I've given an update in a few weeks. These photos are from June but I'm posting in September. Recent updates with COVID:

- ISU started classes a week early. Classrooms are operating at 50% with many classes going all virtual. Some of my students only have 1 in-person class and that is optional. There of course was a spike in cases when students returned and had parties. 

- Governor Reynolds shut down bars in Story, Polk, Johnson, and a few other counties until Sept. 20 to try to mitigate the spread. 

- ISU Athletics announced that fans would be in the stadium at 50% capacity in August. Then they announced that they were going to assign seats to ensure social distancing. Then the next day, they came back and announced they would be playing the opening game without fans in the stands due to the amount of backlash President Wintersteen received. So we will be watching our first home game from home this year. I can't remember the last time I watched a home game at home!! 

- The NBA is playing in their bubble and it's been going well to my knowledge. They had players going to Disney World, isolate, test, and then they started playing. They can't leave the bubble, therefore the players remain healthy. 

- MLB has been playing since end of July with no fans. Teams are having to post-pone and cancel games due to players getting sick. Anthony Rizzo from the Cubs made the news as he handed out hand sanitizer to runners - ha! 

- Store shelves are looking a little better. I hear there is a pop shortage now. Also pepperoni (what a weird one). We still don't go shopping as freely as we used to. 

- Masks are required in most stores and workplaces. Mom is still working from home and Dad has gone back to the office, but he did it by choice. 

- We now know people who have had COVID. So far, everyone has had somewhat mild symptoms, no hospitalizations or deaths. Knock on wood...... 


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