Thursday, September 3, 2020

Look at that hair!

Oh that face!! I forgot about this photo. Have I said he's a sweet baby? I could stare at this sleeping baby for hours and love every minute of it. I can't wait until I can hold him "normal" again. I haven't gotten to hold him like a baby while he sleeps or eats for a couple weeks now because Ryan is very concerned that he has a flat spot and will have to have a helmet. He has a flat spot because he favored one side of his head and I hold him cradled in my left arm. So now I have to feed him awkwardly while he sits up against me and I don't really get to hold him while he sleeps. :( It makes me sad. Sleeping babies are the best! And I saw in Addy's calendar that at 4 months that she hated being cradled. I really hope Mason still loves it after his doctor's appointment in a few weeks! 

Addison was trying to show him his toys in his new bouncer from Grandma Rita.

First time wearing Cyclone gear and I even got a hint of a smile!! 

Ah the hair. I took photos like this of Addison and it was fun to compare how her hair changed over the months. You didn't really even notice it. Mason is two months older than these photos, it was fun to look at them and compare! He's hair is much lighter now, although there is still a dark patch at the nape of his neck. 

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