Monday, September 7, 2020

Farm adventures - part 2

Addison was being the teacher and was telling Parker what he needed to do. She was teaching him how to do a somersault.

Having a snack on the trampoline, Addison was so excited. I don't know if she was more excited to eat a snack on the trampoline, or the fact that the snack was puppy chow! 

Made Addison take a picture with the old Grand Prix. Tracey, Landon, and I all drove this car. I drove it in college, I loved this car! 

Everyone else was holding Mason, Addison had to take her turn. 

Addison loves riding the four wheeler! She would ride all day if you let her. I could probably drive it all day if my thumb didn't get tired - ha! 

I had Addison take my picture with this tree. It was a tree I brought home from school and my parents let me plant. And it actually survived. ha! Some of our trees from school that we planted, didn't fair as well. Then she wanted me to take her photo with the tree. 

The trees in the grove have grown sooo much since I used to mow out there. I haven't been to the farm a ton the last few years, it feels like they have changed so much! 

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