Sunday, September 20, 2020

Mom's first run

Around the middle of June, we had a playdate with the Thraen's. Addy & Caleb were sooo excited!! We have learned not to tell Addison "We will go to Caleb's after your nap" because suddenly she lays down for 10 minutes and comes downstairs and says "I took a really long nap, it's time to go to Caleb's" - Ha! So now we tell her "We will go around supper". Then she still takes a nap :) These two play so good together. They played in the pool for a while then had a picnic supper. 

Mom was itching to get exercising after Mason was born! I was cleared to run after 7 weeks. This photo was on our first run together. It was a little rough but we made it! We ran together until I went back to work, but now I'm not sure we have done it since. I just run alone now. Not sure which I prefer! 
I would have liked to sign up for a race after he was born but due to COVID, most everything is virtual. But I should probably train like I'm going to race :) 

He was just so chill during his nap I had to take a picture! 

Ah my flag loving girl :) Doesn't get much more American than that! She loves to recite the fact that the flag has 13 stripes and 50 stars. 

I don't know if I ever posted this one, it was taken the beginning of June when we did family pictures. She was SO EXCITED to play at the park for a few minutes. I think the parks were technically still closed due to COVID, but we played anyways. This girl loves loves loves the swings. 

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