Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Happy Father's Day

Ryan has been wanting to order pizza from Giordano's in West Des Moines. It's the same chain that is in Chicago. They opened up in West Des Moines a year or so ago and we have heard the wait times are ridiculous. Since COVID has us not wanting to get out much, we did curbside pick-up :) We went to a near-by park and had a picnic. When I was coming up with this plan, I completely forgot the pizza has the sauce on top! It worked out fine though. Addison was so excited to have a picnic at a park! 

And this girl loves pizza! But who doesn't? It was a good thing we ate at a park shelter because while we were eating, it started to pour. Absolute downpour. It was only for 5 minutes or so, but we were glad we had the shelter! 

 And per the norm, Mason wanted to eat when we did too. Ha! So I ate some pretty cold pizza, but it was still good. With my job, I'm used to eating cold food. Doesn't bother me a ton! 

We had a good picnic and then played at the park for a while. Pretty uneventful Father's Day.... if it wasn't for COVID, I really wanted us to go to a baseball game! Maybe next year :) 

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