Thursday, September 24, 2020

Mason's first flight

Little dude was 9 weeks old! He was getting better at laying in the bassinet outside while Addison played in the pool. Shade is an issue at our house. There is none. Ha! No trees and with a south facing driveway, we are pretty much always in the sun in the front and backyard. We just had to get through this summer and next summer we can put sunscreen on him! 

He is normally a pretty happy baby..... so sometimes I take pictures when he cries. Ha! 

Well, here is our spring break July. We left DSM on July 4 and headed to Florida for a vacation. We were so excited to get out and do something! I definitely had some anxiety about flying, but airlines had required masks and added extra cleaning. There was no one in front of behind us (not planned, just happened). I was actually more anxious about Addison than Mason. Addison touches everything. Mason touches me. Ha! 
But people stay away from you. No one wants to be close to each other. No one talked to Mason or Addison (it was wonderful). And we had the row for us, which makes a huge difference! 
Mason did great on his first flight and Addison did great as normal. It's a 3 hour direct flight. We had to go buy masks as we had hardly left our house at this point and didn't have cloth masks. Addison had her's pulled down in the picture because she was eating a snack :) 

She did great with her mask, no complaints. She finally got to use the headphones she got last Christmas. 

Oh man, this big girl got to ride in a booster seat for the first time! Okay okay, she probably didn't quite meet the requirements. This was quite the discussion as Ryan and I didn't know what to do..... but we finally decided that she would be in the car to and from the airport and it was easier than taking a big car seat. She was not as thrown off by it as I thought she would be!  


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