Monday, September 14, 2020

7 weeks old!

She was telling Mason about her mask and why she needs to wear it (so she doesn't get sick). 

She was insisting she take a picture with him too. Naturally, he gives his biggest smile when she sits next to him!! 

He wasn't so sure about her holding him though! He's getting a little big for her to hold him easily. Obviously it's a lot harder when she's not sitting on the couch. 

Our clay photo frame with Mason's little footprint and handprint. Man are these things stressful to do! Something always doesn't turn out quite right. I was shocked I got them pretty good this time. Hardest part is that it is best to do while he's sleeping, but the frame is so big and heavy that it's really awkward to get it in the rock and play. I didn't really have a choice of which hand or foot, I had to do whichever one I could get to!! Oh well, it's done :) 


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