Sunday, September 13, 2020

Miss Kenzie is my favorite

Ha - I love this photo. She picked out her cowboy boots to wear to school. Ryan wouldn't have let her wear this! She has worn out the cowboy boots. We walked into school and a teacher said "We haven't seen your cowboy boots in a while!!" Mainly due to COVID, but she hadn't worn them in a while. She used to wear them every day. She wore them a few days in a row and came home and told us her toes hurt :( We had to retire the cowboy boots. It was a sad day. 

I moved the bouncer outside and Mason sat in it for about 30 minutes! It was a nice break for me :) 

Aw... Addison and Miss Kenzie. Miss Kenzie is the teacher in the 3 year old room and Addison has made quite the connection to her. It was not a bad thing that Addison stayed in the 3 year old room this summer, it meant 3 more months with Kenzie! I frequently get called Kenz by Addy. She says "um hey Kenz? I mean Mom" quite a bit. I don't mind at all, I'm so happy she loves her teacher! This photo was on their picnic this summer, Addison LOVED picnic days. 

Well since we were slowly venturing out of the house..... figured I better get Addison a face mask. A lady on Facebook had an Olaf mask, so I bought it. Addison was pretty excited. It ended up not being a great mask, it falls down kind of easy. But it does the job when we are shopping. 


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