Sunday, September 20, 2020

Bump on the head

Big girl thinks she should attempt the monkey bars now. She needs a little more upper body strength :) 

She wanted me to take her picture with her water table. She also took my phone and took a few photos of the water table. She is loving taking my phone to take pictures now. She was pretty excited about this water table, her and I bought it at a garage sale. 

Ha, this picture. Our crazy clumsy kiddo. This chair is supposed to be pretty sturdy, but somehow, Addison tipped it over. And she hit her head on the concrete. No idea how. Ha! We picked up free ice packs at the Farmer's Market one weekend and that was the best decision ever. She loves these things! And she thinks they make everything all better so she stops crying sooner if we give her one. So anyways, she tipped her chair over and wanted an ice pack. We had just checked the mail and got a variety pack of bungi cords. so Ryan attached the ice pack to her head with a bungi cord :) She did actually have a mark from the fall. Crazy girl! 

 Addison loves any activity that involves Mason. She picked out one of her favorite books for Ryan to read to Mason. It's called Hand Hand Fingers Thumb. This book grows on you, it's super silly, no point, but yet it's catchy. She loved this book a few years ago and we were reading it every night! 

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