Monday, September 28, 2020

Mason's First Dip in the Pool

His face doesn't really show his emotion, it looks like he didn't like it but he really didn't mind the pool! 

Addison thought she should help Mason swim. 

Brother & Sister in the pool! 

Addison wanted Mason to jump in - Ha! Keep in mind, he was just 2 months old. She was singing Humpty Dumpty and when she says "have a great fall", Mason was supposed to jump in. 
Mason was only in the pool about 5 minutes. He didn't cry, so it was a success! 

 One morning, Ryan took Addison to pick out donuts at Dunkin Donets. She was soo excited. It's been two months and she still talks about it "Um hey Dad? Remember when me and you went to Dunkin Donuts in Florida?" Ha! 

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