Sunday, January 31, 2021

Getting ready for Christmas

Addison helping Ryan put up the Christmas lights :) So last I was dead set on we must only have clear lights, no colored lights. And I wanted the clear lights that are perfectly straight. Well I didn't realize you had to buy the giant bulbs to get the look I wanted. Then the colored lights of the neighbors grew on me. And Addison is obsessed with "rainbow colors" right now, so then I had to convince Ryan to buy new lights again after we just bought lights last year - ha! So we bought new colored lights and Addison helped hang them. They looked great! Us and our neighbors had the same lights, Addison thought that was pretty cool. 

FINALLY the time has come...... to set up the Christmas tree! Addison has been waiting since August or September. She helped Ryan move the bench so we could set the tree up. 

So much happening! It was the middle of November and big guy was trying baby food! Sweet potatoes were his first food. I can't remember why, but he was crying right before we put him in the chair. 

So you can see a gleam of a tear in the left eye but a smile on his face! He did not hate the sweet potatoes. 

Addison was so excited to help decorate the tree. She took her job very seriously. 

She was so excited to get out her snow globe. Shannon made this for her at daycare. I couldn't believe she remembered it. It has a picture of her in it. She was so excited to show Mason and probably showed him 200 times during the time it was out. Ha! I love the small things she gets excited for. 

 And the nativity scene - she played with this a ton too. I was trying to teach her who everyone was. She just loves that the angel plays Away in the Manger. ha! 

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