Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Mini golfing

Addison went mini golfing for the first time when we went to Florida in July, but I stayed back with Mason. This time I went with. My mom and dad watched Mason and the three of us went. Look at those palm trees.... I want to go back! 

She loves mini golfing! She's better at it than I expected. 

Out of the whole big bin of colorful golf balls...... this kid choses black. Ha! She choses black for everything. She colors pictures at home, she chooses black. 63 other colors in the box, but she picks black. She has a little Tracey in her! People at Tracey's work used to call her Johnny Cash because she wears so much black. 


She is 4 years old and having her first juice box :) She says she likes it..... but she doesn't drink them. They serve juice at the little school but she always tells them she doesn't like juice. I'm perfectly fine with that :) She has enough sugar in her diet.... like with that donut on her plate. Ha! 

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