Friday, January 15, 2021

The last time at the pumpkin patch

Thursday November 5 was an interesting day. I was working from home. Shannon had closed that day because her Mason was sick. So I had Mason at home with me. Around noon, the internet quit working. Ryan was downtown and he lost internet too. So Mason and I ran (literally) to the library to pick up a hot spot. So Ryan came home, I got a hot spot, and by 1pm, we were both up and working again. Then Mason went down for a nap. Then the phone rings. It's the elementary school. Ugh. Addison had a headache and fever. It was at the preschool, so they required a COVID test before she could come back. So I went and picked her up. So on a day I was supposed to be home alone working..... the whole family was home. Ha! 

So I got Addison and appointment at the doctor for Friday afternoon to get a COVID test. I had an event that day, so I went to the office. Ryan dropped Mason off at daycare, then by 9am found out big Mason had COVID so Ryan had to go get little buddy. SO, then he had to take both Mason and Addison to the doctor. Addison had to get a strep test first, and that was negative. So then she had to get a COVID test. UGH. It was the nose swab and Ryan said he had to hold her and it was awful. POOR KID. She was feeling awful already, then had to do strep and COVID tests. And I felt bad for Ryan, I wasn't there to help. Oh yea, then Mason had a dirty diaper as they were leaving. Ryan had a fun trip. ha! 

So the night of November 7, ISU was playing Baylor at home. Well, Ryan had to go to the game alone. I stayed home with the kids, completely stressed, waiting for results of the test. You see, we had flights to go to Florida on Sunday. So we were stressing out about if we should go. She felt good on Saturday, back to normal. So we went back and forth all day, not knowing what to do. Well, about 6pm, I got the email that she was negative. WOOHOO!!! This picture above is her reaction when I told her we could go to Florida - she was so excited. As were we!!  

We made a quick trip to the pumpkin path for the last time this season. She really wanted to ride the train. It had been closed a few times and it's one of her favorite activities. Guess what? It was closed this day too. Ha! But we bought an apple cider donut instead. That's the same, right? And then we got to smash some pumpkins. 

Love this picture! 

Pumpkin smashing was a little harder than we expected. She wasn't quite strong enough to break it.

It was a pretty nice day - she got warm running around on the jumping pillow. 

Hard to see, but she went down the slide by herself! She raced Ryan a few times, then I raced her a few times. She had a good time. We had a great year at the pumpkin patch and were soooo happy to have this activity with so many other things closed/cancelled with COVID. 

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