Friday, January 22, 2021

Rolling over

This picture is pretty good - I didn't realize what they looked like until I looked at it later. Addison's eyes are closed and Mason's finger is up his nose. Ha! 

Due to COVID, we didn't get to go get ice cream cones like we normally would. We had to settle for picking out ice cream bars at the grocery store. Although, they were pretty delicious. They were Reese's ice cream bars. 

Grandma Rita hanging out with her youngest grandchild. He was telling her big stories. 

He finally rolled from his back to his belly!! He was 6 months old when this happened. We were so happy, we had been waiting for this moment - ha! He would get soooo close, but then flip back. And now, he's 8 month olds and doesn't do it much because he only wants to sit up :) 

Mason and Aunt Kelly! We were in Florida a full week, Kelly was just there part of a week. We had fun hanging out. We were jealous, Kelly went home for a couple weeks, then went back to Florida for 2 weeks! Kelly & Parker, and Landon's family, spent a couple weeks in Florida since the kids' schools were 100% virtual. 


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