Friday, February 5, 2021

Visiting Santa

We put Mason in his high chair and give him toys while we ate. Addison took it upon herself to make sure he always had a toy to play with. She took her job very seriously - ha! 

With COVID, we had to make an appointment to see Santa this year. Same as last year, Addison took Baby Santa along. She was so very excited to see Santa this year. We went to Bass Pro the day before our appointment to check it out and wave at Santa. 

The waterfall at Bass Pro. We actually got a good one, that is a challenge! 

This one makes me laugh. That face! We tell her to laugh to try to get a smile. She was doing a creepy loud laugh. Look at Mason - ha! 

We had to check out all the ice fishing tents, she loves them! Conner said he would love it if Addison got a tent, he would go with her. He really wants a boat though. Apparently he's clearing a spot in their garage for his fishing boat :) 

 Mailing our letter to Santa! She was pretty excited. 

Here is her letter - it says:
"Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I would really like a bike with pedals and a wallet. Thank you, Addison"

I wrote out what she wanted to say on a Magna Doodle and Addison copied it. She worked really hard on it! 

So because of COVID, the kiddos had to sit in front of Santa. Which was perfect in Addison's mind :) There was a plexiglass barrier in front of Santa and he wore a face shield. Addison was allowed to take her mask off for the photo. She told Santa she wanted a bike with pedals and a wallet. She was quite excited that night, she loves the idea of Santa but is pretty nervous when actually around him. 

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