Monday, January 4, 2021

School Pictures and Trick or Treating part I

Such a happy guy! This guy smiles and laughs all the time. It's so easy to make him smile! 

Addison wanted Mason to sit with her. She loves to be close to him at all times! 

And this is a screen shot of her preschool school pictures :) We tried to get retakes but it didn't work out with the afternoon preschool schedule. Oh well! Ha! Her little school photos turned out really good. 

It's hard to see, but it's her first Lolly. I LOVED lollies as a kid. Landon and I ate them all the time when the girls worked the concession stand. Ryan liked them too. We had told Addy about them and when I saw them at the checkout at Fareway, I had to buy a couple! 

Addy and I were in Ames to go to the Greek Trick or Treating. She was so excited. Probably more excited about wearing her orange astronaut than getting candy. 

Eating a lolly, going trick or treating, and listening to Christmas music :) 

The Greek Trick or Treating was pretty fun. They have games for the kids to play to get their treats. Normally it's inside at the MU but due to COVID, it was outside and COLD. 

She liked this one, she knocked over the buckets and got to pick out a book! 

Kid loves hopscotch. She thought this was pretty cool. I had to draw her hopscotch on our driveway when we got home. 

 We played a couple games and then she was ready to go. Found out when we got to the car, she was just so excited to eat a piece of candy. She didn't care how much candy she got, she just wanted to eat one :) She did say she was cold too. We were there 15 min max, but probably closer to 10. Fine with me! I was happy and she was happy! 

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