Wednesday, January 13, 2021

6 Months old on Nov. 1

In November, the little dude was 6 months! He still wasn't sitting up on his own, but he did pretty good in the box. He was rolling from his belly to his back. No teeth at this time. If you smile or laugh at him, he smiles back. We love it! He also reaches his arms out in the car seat for you to pick him up, Ryan especially loves that. 

But he had lots of smiles! 

Lots of smiles especially when I wear him. He laughs hysterically when he sees himself on my phone. So when we FaceTime people, he's always laughing when they answer. 

He actually kind of looks long and lean in the photo. Looks can be deceiving. ha! 

He loves to chew on those toes! Just like his sister. If his socks are off, the toes go to the mouth. Addy told him he has stinky toes so he better not chew on them. 



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