Sunday, January 10, 2021

Business Trick or Treating

Bondurant does Business Trick or Treating, I was pretty stoked. So many things are cancelled due to COVID. I wanted to go to Homemakers again this year, but it was cancelled. I was pretty happy Bondurant kept our event. It was done safely for the most part, I would say. The majority of the businesses set up tables outside, which was much appreciated. And you picked up candy off a table. Addy wore gloves so I wasn't too concerned. And we all wore masks. It was chilly, so our masks were appreciated - ha! We had little dude bundled up as well. And the businesses are in two different parts of town, so we got in the car for about 5 minutes which helped. 

For the actual trick or treat night in town, Addy wanted Mason to dress up. It worked well, his monkey suit helped keep him warm! It was actually a perfect trick or treat night in my opinion. A little cold but not bad at all. 

I love Shannon's crafts! Mason's is on the left and Addy's is on the right. We hang Addy's up every year. I love that she takes the time to do this will the kiddos. 

 Back to Business Trick or Treat...... we ended the night with dinner at the Cafe in town. We had a coupon for free ice cream cone for reading books, Addison was SO excited. Ryan and I had the tenderloins, they are pretty tasty at the Cafe. The grocery store (where the cafe is) had an awesome set-up last year for business trick or treat. And this year it was one sad table with a candy bowl due to COVID. Ugh. 

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