Thursday, January 7, 2021

Carving a Jack O'lantern

Oh how I love holiday photos! We bought a giant pumpkin and Addy was pretty excited. So were me and Ryan :) I wish we lived on a farm where I could grow a ton of pumpkins, I would have them everywhere. I wished we lived on a farm for a lot of reasons, that's just one! 

Figured Mason deserved some photos on his own every once in a while :) 

Annual photo with Casper. Grandma Rita gave me Casper while I was in college. She did lots of little thoughtful things. She would send things before finals week or just random times. This ghost was one of those gifts and has always held a special place for me. 

Happy kiddos!

She was not so sure about carving this pumpkin....... 

We mentioned skittles....... 

But then told her she had to touch the pumpkin guts to get them! haha

After MUCH coercing, we finally got her to put her hand in. I think she had to put it in 3 times before she actually touched something and pulled out a seed. Ryan was most excited for this large pumpkin for the amount of seeds he got to roast. 

So she did touch the guts and got her skittles. Then she took over the managerial role and told Ryan how to cut the face. Mason loved the entertainment. 

Jack O'Lantern is carved and we had a happy girl. She thought it was pretty cool! 

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