Saturday, January 2, 2021

October Snow Day

We got a little bit of snow in mid-October so we hurried and got dressed to go down the hill a few times before it melted! I love this picture! It was warm enough we didn't even need the winter coat. 

We quickly got Mason in a couple layers to get that magical first snow photo that you see moms post on Facebook. Here is my 'magical' photo. Ha! Addison couldn't hold him and he was less than impressed. He at least went outside for his first snow picture..... Addison was in front of a window with the snow in the background because there was no way I was going out in the snow to get a picture. ha! 

I can't remember for sure and I'm too lazy to check dates on photos, but I think this was a different day. We had two good snow days within a week I think. Addison and Ryan built a snowman. Addison got a snowman kit for Christmas with the eyes, smile, etc, but now we probably won't get a good wet snow to build one. 

I had maybe 30 of this photo on my phone. She's no Photo Phil (haha) 

 And about the only time this kid is slightly 'daring' is going down the small hill backwards or on her stomach. The snow didn't last long but we had a good time! 

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